Friday, February 11, 2011

Is it bamboo, writing, string, no it’s all together!

first chinese books
                         What seemed to be an ordinary day for a Zhou King, turned out to be a extraordinary day according to the king himself! Today is the the day the first book was invented. Whats a book you ask? Well a book is several ordinary pieces of bamboo with writing that relate stacked up and tied together. to read them you untie them, line them up, and read from right to left.  One of the kings officials said this about the new books “These Books will greatly increase the efficiency of our government. This is because now we can create longer orders and record our laws. Also we are already in the process of making the Book of Documents which will contain all legends, speeches, and overall our history.” We have also gotten news from a anonymous source that a Book of Song will soon be created, containing poetry, songs, and much more. One more book will also be created the Book of Changes which will describe the ever changing relationship of YIN and Yang. Many have liked the idea of these new books and recognize the fact that it may help except for one local merchant that has stated “There is no point in these so called books, keep things the way they used to be and let us live life how we live it now, there’s no need for change.”

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