Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interveiw with the Duke of Zhou

Duke of Zhou
Q: How are you today Duke of Zhou?
A: I’m good thanks for asking, you?

Q: I’m good too but let’s get started, why were you appointed regent, what is a regent, and do you think they made a good choice?
A: First of all a regent is someone who rules in place of the legitimate ruler because their way to young. I was appointed regent because I was king Wu’s brother and best friend, also because his son Cheng was his only child and he was still an infant or baby. I do think they made a good choice, but I would rather have the spirits the spirits take my life rather than my brothers, but overall while I was in rule we gained much land and had firm control.

Q: very good, well then can you explain the feudal system to me?
A: sure, the feudal is based on the concept that as king I own all land and all people must obey me. It is a system that I extend my land to the rest of my population. The lords were the people who ruled large territories, they had their own local government over the people that lived on their land, and they even collected taxes in form of grain. The people harvested for themselves and the lord. In return for the land I gave them the lords owed me certain duties, especially in warfare since they had their own knights.

Q: Did this system work and why do you feel this way?
A: unfortunately, no because despite what I thought to be an organized and perfect system there was too much war between the lords and everything became hectic. Also it distracted them from invading tribes’ man.

Q: on a different subject, what is the Mandate of Heaven?
A: the Mandate of Heaven is an idea we created that traces our descent straight from Heaven and proclaims us the son of Heaven. As the son of Heaven we were wise, hardworking, unselfish, successful in many things especially the battlefield. But if you didn't do your sacred duties or have these things the spirits would punish you with natural disasters. If you don't improve you will lose the mandate

Q: Did it help and why?
A: Yes because by making them believe were from Heaven everything was peaceful, and no one doubted our commands because they believed we were like gods, that is in till we lost the Mandate of Heaven. But anyways everything was calm, and quiet except for the wars between the lords and some invasions. Mostly every person obeyed our laws and bowed down and kissed the very place my feet lay, you can say they were bees to my honey pot.

Q: I'm pretty sure that's all we have today, thanks for coming.
A: No problem it was my pleasure

Q: want to get some coffee?
A: Sure.

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